Mark Minervini Master Trader Program 2020 [Including Q&A Sessions]无字幕版

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Includes Q&A Sessions Mark Minervini, who’s new book Trade Like a Stock Market Wizard I reviewed several months ago, is a 30 year+ investing guru who won the U.S. Investing Championship in 1997 with a 155% return. His personal SEPA methodology is his secret sauce and is broken down at the workshop. You can read his full bio on his website. David Ryan is a 40 year+ guru who also has won the U.S. Investing Championship, three times in fact. He is a protégé of William O’Neil (CANSLIM trading) and actually ran a fund with O’Neil in the 90s. He’s mentioned in not only O’Neil’s infamous book, How to Make Money in Stocks but also in Market Wizards – Interviews with Top Traders by Jack Schwager. Both Mark and David Ryan are believers in the CANSLIM philosophy and together were a very effective duo. Originally I thought that David Ryan was simply doing a guest presentation. Instead, both Mark and David had separate podiums and David Ryan was a part of the full workshop


Mark Minervini是一位30多年的投资大师,他以155%的回报率赢得了1997年的美国投资锦标赛。他个人的SEPA方法是他的秘密酱汁,在研讨会上被分解了。你可以在他的网站上阅读他的完整简历。

David Ryan是一位40多年的大师,事实上他还三次获得美国投资锦标赛冠军。他是William O’Neil(CANSLIM交易)的门生,实际上在90年代与O’Neil一起经营一只基金。他不仅在奥尼尔臭名昭著的书《如何在股票中赚钱》中被提及,而且在杰克·施瓦格的《市场奇才——对顶级交易员的采访》中也被提及。

Mark和David Ryan都是CANSLIM哲学的信徒,他们是一对非常有效的搭档。起初我以为David Ryan只是在做一个嘉宾演讲。相反,马克和大卫都有单独的讲台,大卫·瑞安是整个研讨会的一部分
