The God of Trading, Honma :The Creator of Japanese Candle Charts, Honma’s Secret Methods of Investment by Lee Hyongdo

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This is a coloured e book in PDF format This book is about the life and the tradesman spirit of Honma Munehisa (1717-1803), a wealthy rice merchant from the Edo era of Japan who held the economy of Japan in the sway of his power with his rice trading techniques during his lifetime. Honma Munehisa is best known for the candlestick chart that he has created and which is used throughout the world even today, as well as Sakata’s Five Methods which is an investment tool that he produced based on his candlestick charting. The candlestick chart is so widely used that almost everyone has heard of it, even if they do not know the particulars, but little is known about Honma Munehisa, who he is and what he is, even though he is the creator of it. There is a lack of understanding about Sakata’s Five Methods, which is the basis of his candlestick chart, as well. This book is intended to fill the gap of understanding about them, while introducing the contents of Honma Munehisa ‘s investment secrets, Honma’s Fountain of Gold. Never-lose Trading Techniques, Honma’s Fountain of Gold Honma Munehisa produced Sakata’s Five Methods based on the candlestick charting that he created. Sakata’s Five Methods is about five patterns: Three Mountains, Three Rivers, Three Gaps, Three Soldiers, and Three Methods. These patterns of candlesticks are adopted and called by many different names in today’s stock markets, but their significance and depths can never match the candlestick patterns that were originally developed and explained by Honma Munehisa himself. People can memorize “Three Mountains refers to the shape of three mountains, and this pattern indicates a bearish market,” but just memorizing it doesn’t really help. To get the best out of his insights, you have to understand what is forming the shape of three mountains in the market, and why the trend is expected to turn bearish when the three mountains shape is completed. You also have to understand how market psychology plays a role behind all the market formations. Honma Munehisa mastered the rules of trading by carefully observing the market participants’ thrill, fear, delusions and anticipation that happens in the market during the day. His Sakata’s Five Methods and The Three Methods are the outcomes of his observation and analysis of the market, and he wrote down what he came to know and understand about the market in his book, Honma’s Fountain of Gold. This book will give readers more than just the investment skills of Honma Munehisa; it will lead readers to come and see the supreme tradesman spirit of an extraordinary man, and presents them with the Right Path of investment.


本书讲述的是日本江户时代富有的米商本间木内久(1717-1803)的生活和商人精神,他在一生中凭借大米贸易技术将日本经济置于权力的支配之下。Honma Munehisa最为人所知的是他创建的蜡烛图,即使在今天也在世界各地使用,以及Sakata的五种方法,这是他根据蜡烛图制作的投资工具。



本间木内久根据坂田创作的蜡烛图制作了《五法》。坂田的五法是关于五种模式:三山、三河、三隙、三兵、三法。这些烛台图案在今天的股票市场上被许多不同的名字所采用和称呼,但它们的意义和深度永远无法与Honma Munehisa自己最初开发和解释的烛台图案相匹配。人们可以记住“三山指的是三山的形状,这种模式表明市场看跌”,但仅仅记住它并没有真正的帮助。为了充分利用他的见解,你必须了解市场上三座大山的形状是什么形成的,以及为什么当三座大山形状完成时,趋势预计会转为看跌。你还必须了解市场心理是如何在所有市场形成背后发挥作用的。

Honma Munehisa通过仔细观察市场参与者白天在市场上发生的兴奋、恐惧、妄想和预期,掌握了交易规则。他的《坂田五法》和《三法》是他对市场观察和分析的结果,他在《本马的黄金之泉》一书中写下了他对市场的了解和理解。这本书将带给读者的不仅仅是Honma Munehisa的投资技巧;它将带领读者来看看一个非凡的人的最高商人精神,并为他们呈现投资的正确道路。

The God of Trading, Honma :The Creator of Japanese Candle Charts, Honma’s Secret Methods of Investment by Lee Hyongdo
The God of Trading, Honma :The Creator of Japanese Candle Charts, Honma’s Secret Methods of Investment by Lee Hyongdo
The God of Trading, Honma :The Creator of Japanese Candle Charts, Honma’s Secret Methods of Investment by Lee Hyongdo